How much time does it take to charge a 5000mAh power bank for a full charge?

It can be any time between 1.5 to 5 hours. But this  depends on input power and conversion ability of your power bank and some other factors. Some assumptions will therefore need to be made. Have a look at Solar Power Bank Quality Assurance: Power Bank phone Chargers
Here’s the summary

How long will it take to charge a 10000mah power bank? 

This is similar to wanting to know how long it will take to fill a bottle of water from the tap. 

It depends on the amount of water passing through the pipe (watt), how large the pipe/tap (amp) is and how fast the water is flowing which is determined by pressure (voltage), right? Similarly, for a power bank, it depends on some variables like

Factors that affect how fast a power bank can be charged

1) Charger being used. Electric chargers come in various shapes and sizes. Just plug your HG solar power bank as you would your phone.
2) USB cable. Best to use 2.0 or 3.x if possible. The higher the rating the faster the flow of current for High Speed/High Bandwidth or SuperSpeed transfer.
3) Ampere or amp (A)
4) Voltage (v). Standard for mobile gadgets is 5v. The higher the quicker it charges
Given that mAh is equivalent to 1000 Ah, using 5V and assuming 10000mAh with different powerbank charger output sources:
1A charger: 10000mAh/1000Ah = 10hrs
2A charger: 10000 mAh / 2000Ah = 5hrs
3A charger: 10000mAh/3000Ah = 3.33hrs
It is therefore important that you know the best output source to plug into on your powerbank. Also be careful to ensure that you use the appropriate voltage. You will find relevant information in the product specification.”
For 5000 mAh power bank, the answer would be half the above time lines.

The overall assumption is that your power bank is not a fake. The introduction of HetoGrow Technology Solar Power Bank Chargers into the market was born out of a bad experience with a fake 30000 mAh solar power bank, that was bought on eBay in London, UK but never worked at all. Similar fake powerbanks are also being sold in the street markets of Lagos and Abuja in Nigeria and all over the world. It is important to know how to spot fake power banks. If your power bank is fake, the above calculations may not apply. Some fake power banks have bags of sand in them rather than batteries. So they'll never charge.

Be careful when you buy. All the best!
