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How much time does a 5000mAh solar power bank need to fully charge itself in favorable sunlight?

This is a very good question but a lot of details are missing.
Some assumptions will have to be made to attempt an answer based on HetoGrow Solar Power banks quality specs which I suggest you have a look at - scroll down to the sections that answer the questions “How long will it take to charge a 10000mah power bank? and How long will the solar panel take to charge?
Also look out for “What is a Power Bank?” and “How To Detect a Fake Solar Power Bank” sections of the HetoGrow Quality Assurance page

Some of the missing details include
  1. size or surface area of the solar pv panel,
  2. power produced by the solar pv panel,
  3. angle of solar contact with the pv panel,
  4. condition of the batteries,
  5. operating temperature and weather conditions, etc.
Given HetoGrow’s assumptions, the result is that time taken to charge 10000 mah solar power bank = 10000mah/(600Ah to 720Ah) = 14 hours to 17 hours.

Your question says “in favourable sunlight”. So, assuming you mean performance in optical conditions, you can expect a 5000mAh solar power bank to charge up in about 7 hours (or a day) subject to the other factors noted.

Dave Ebi is a Most Viewed Power Bank Writer on Quora. Join HetoGrow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, G+ or LinkedIn
