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Why is my micro USB charging cable charging at a very low mah?

There are different types of USB cables out there and a lot are fakes. Same problem with power banks and you need to know how to spot them.

What to do to spot fake powerbanks and USB cables

  1. check input specs/requirement of your device
  2. check capacity of your cable. Also ensure its not broken
  3. best to use 2.0 or 3.x USB charging/data cable if possible.  The higher the rating the faster the flow of current for High Speed/High Bandwidth or SuperSpeed transfer. 
  4. Might be worth checking the charging IC of your phone.

I tend to go for USB 2.0 cable. Its a bit thicker hence has more capacity to charge faster. Avoid buying a fake cable. Fakes tend to be cheap but unbranded. You may think they are affordable but be very careful because they can damage your gadgets. Even if they have a brand’s imprint, you still have to be very careful. Look out for the quality of the imprint. Always best to buy from a reputable store. 

Dave Ebi is a Most Viewed Power Bank Writer on Quora. Join HetoGrow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, G+ or LinkedIn
